Friday, July 10, 2009

The unbreakable king of analogies

I'm watching the movie, "Unbreakable". I'm reminded of my song "Superhero". That song was always one of my very favorites that I've ever written. A lot of that song has to do with ideals in that film. The story of a man with something missing from his life...and he needs to find it. It turns out that he has abilities most other men don't making him a hero.

Sometimes I feel like that in certain ways. While I don't possess super powers of any kind, I feel like there are things I can do that many others don't. I feel like I have a gift of sensitivity of sorts. I've always been really good at being able to feel other people's emotions and understand what they're feeling. I've always loved having that gift. In an argument or disagreement I can put myself into the other person's shoes to understand what they're thinking.

Sometimes I feel like it is a power that is quite super. A lot of people I've met in life can't imagine someone else's opinion or thought. It baffles me. Part of my gift is that I understand people and can think of what needs to be said for them to understand the situation. People I know always joke that I am the "King of analogies". That is a good way of putting it, I suppose.

The problem with all of this is that I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve. Its a lot easier for someone to hurt my feelings than it might be for most people. Lots of people say little mean remarks when they're angry. My problem is I can't help but take everything to heart. When someone that I care about says something that hurts my feelings I just can't comprehend how they could do something like that. I know its partially hypocritical because I know I hurt people in life, too.

Cruel people use this against me to try and win an argument. But part of growing up weighing over 400 lbs has taught me to block out unintelligent banter. My whole life was full of people making fun of me and trying to make me hate myself more. These things bounce right off of me because they are coming from people that I care nothing about.

I wish I had the power to shut all of my emotions off with a kill switch. But I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Superhero was/is a fantastic song, just wanted to stop by and say so. :)
